If the mission was performed with violation of the instructions or we found mistakes that you made in the mission, we will send it back to you with Incomplete status or reject it.
In this case, you will receive an information e-mail, where the reason will be described in details. Also, the approver may leave a comment about mistakes you made in a specific question of the questionnaire (mission), so that you can focus on it during correcting.
> If mission has the Incomplete status, then you should accept or refuse to correct it within 3 hours from the moment of notification - from the moment of receiving the e-mail. All next actions and corrections in the mission must be completed within 24 hours.
> If the mission was rejected, it means that you, unfortunately, did something wrong and it is impossible to fix it. Now the mission is again available for execution for others, but you will not be able to complete it again - that mission will not be available for you.
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